Radijas internete > Užsienio > Christmas Channel

Christmas Channel - radijo stoties statistika Radijas.fm sistemoje

Radijo stoties savybės
Transliuojama radijo bangomis: NE (tai internetinė radijo stotis.)
Galima išgirsti užsienyje: TAIP (stotį galima klausytis per internetą esant užsienyje)
Internetinis adresas: nėra
Grojama daina: nėra

The Christmas Channel here at SKY.fm is our seasonal treat honoring the spirit of the holidays.

You will hear Christmas and holiday inspired music from a vast array of artists and composers. Featuring timeless classics from Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra to modern artists such as Amy Grant and Kenny G, the Christmas Channel will brighten up your holidays and put you in the mood even if you are Scrooge himself.

Enjoy your stay here at SKY.fm very own Christmas Channel and seasonings greetings!

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