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"Three Days Grace" gerbėjus sukrėtė žinia apie vokalisto Ada...

Paskelbta: 2013-01-10 13:03

Adam Gontier. [Facebook nuotr.]
Sausio 9-ąją dieną JAV roko grupės "Three Days Grace" gerbėjus sukrėtė netikėta žinia - kolektyvą palieka lyderis ir vokalistas Adam'as Gontier. Dabar atlikėjas pats atviru laišku kreipėsi į klausytojus ir paaiškino savo pasitraukimą.

Kaip pranešta, "Three Days Grace" paskelbė, jog Gontier grupę paliko dėl sveikatos problemų, o jį pakeitė "My Darkest Days" vokalistas Matt'as Walst'as - jis koncertuos su grupe būsimose bendrose gastrolėse su "Shinedown". Kadangi tikslios sveikatos problemos nebuvo atskleistos, pasirodė nemažai nuomonių, jog tai gali būti jau anksčiau Gontier kamavusios problemos dėl narkotikų ir kitų priklausomybių. Visgi, pats Gontier aiškina, jog yra visiškai švarus ir tiesiog nutarė pradėti naują gyvenimo tarpsnį.

Siūlome pasiskaityti visą Adam'o Gontier laišką gerbėjams. Jis pateikiamas originalo kalba:

To all of my fans, my friends, my family, these are my words coming from my heart, separate from my role as “lead singer of Three Days Grace”.

I want you all to know how very thankful I am for your consistent love, your respect, and you’re undying support. It is important for me to address any concerns regarding my health being connected to drugs or addiction. The truth is, when I was struggling during that dark time in my life, I hit rock bottom, and I had the kindest of people reach out from all over the world, and reach their hands out to help pick me up. I am so blessed to be walking in the light now. I am reminded of your loyalty, always. The truth is, and I’m very proud to say this…, I am sober. That chapter in my life is over.

There have been many defining moments in my life. My time as part of Three Days Grace is most definitely one of the miraculous ones. I have had so many tender hearted people share with me their stories. How I’ve touched, or changed their lives. My truth is that all of the love I have received has forever changed my life. Each letter I’ve read, every picture I’ve been sent, all of the voices I’ve heard sing along with me, I will forever remember, and never forget…

After twenty years of being part of an ever evolving band, I have been inspired by life, to move on and to continue to evolve on my own terms. I could not be more grateful for all the souls who have travelled along with me. A journey I look back on with integrity, and a future I look forward to with such hope. I have always admired brave hearts. Life is always changing. I will continue to follow my heart, and what I love to do. I’m not sure what the next horizon will look like, but I do have all the faith in the world that whatever it is, It’s meant to be, and I have faith that blessings will continue to shine over all of us. I once heard a “brave heart” say:

“When nothing is sure, everything is possible.”

It’s because of my life’s journey, because of all of you, that I believe.

Sincerely, with love,


Kaip keisis "Three Days Grace" įvaizdis ir muzika? Kol kas spėlioti sunku, tačiau grupė jau išplatino įrašus, kuriuose girdimos dainos, perdainuotos su naujuoju vokalistu Matt'u Walst'u.


Priminsime, jog visai neseniai, praėjusių metų spalio pradžioje, pasirodė naujausias "Three Days Grace" albumas "Transit of Venus":

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