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Birželį antrąjį studijinį albumą išleis duetas "Empire Of...

Paskelbta: 2013-03-13 06:03
Birželį antrąjį studijinį albumą išleis duetas
"Empire Of The Sun". ["NME"]
"Empire Of The Sun" šių metų birželį ruošiasi išleisti naują savo albumą "Ice On The Dune".

Antrajam albumui skirtas didelis biudžetas, tad tikimasi, kad ši vasara priklausys būtent Luke Steele ir Nick Littlemore duetui.

Priminsime, jog pirmasis pasisekimo sulaukęs jų darbas buvo išleistas dar 2008 m. ir vadinosi "Walking On A Dream".

Pranešime spaudai teigiama: "Imperatorius Steele'as ir Lordas Littlemore'as priima precendento neturintį iššūkį ir pabandys atstatyti pasaulyje taiką, nusikeldami 1000 metų į ateitį."

Tiems, kas nori įdėmiau pažinti būsimą albumą, pristatome ir anglišką jo pristatymą, kuris primena pasaką:

Once, the world was pure. It was the Emperor and the Prophet who kept it thus. Each day, they charted the sun’s course across the sky, guided rivers down from mountain peaks, brought rains to quench raging fires. With the aid of their four priests, who possessed spirits of wild animals, they travelled the world tirelessly, maintaining nature’s delicate balance, allowing all things to grow and flourish -- always with the aid of the sacred jewel held atop the Emperor’s crown.

But one night, as the Emperor slumbered, recovering from his labours, true darkness appeared. The King of Shadows, ever the bitter foe of the Empire, and all it had achieved, crept into their temple. Craving the Emperor’s power, he stole the jewel from his crown-- and in an instant the world was changed. Robbed of the bulk of his power, the Emperor and the Prophet watched helplessly as their temple was torn asunder, and their priests cast far out into the world. But even in that moment, when all appeared lost, there was one thing that the King of Shadows black heart simply could not have imagined... The Emperor and the Prophet have never abandoned hope.

Taip pat kviečiame prisiminti ir debiutinį "Empire Of The Sun" albumą.

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